Saturday, January 24, 2015

January 25: The Good Samaritan

January 25: The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)

Who is your neighbor? (The person beside you, a person who lives next door, etc.) The Bible tells us that we should love God with all of our heart. We should also love our neighbors. What about someone who sits two seats down from you. Are they your neighbor? What about the house at the end of your street. Are they your neighbor? What about me? We live in the same town. Does that mean you and I are neighbors?

Some of Jesus' followers were confused. They weren't sure what Jesus meant when He said, "Love your neighbor." So He told them a story.

"There was a man walking along a road. He was going on a trip. Suddenly, robbers jumped out at him. They hit him. They took all the things he had with him. And they left him, hurt, lying by the road.

A short time later, someone came down the road. It was a man who worked in God’s temple. He could help the hurt man! But no, when he saw the hurt man, he crossed the road. He passed by on the other side! Soon another man came. But he passed by, too.

Then along came a man on a donkey. This was a man from a different country. When he saw the hurt man, he stopped. He put bandages on his hurt places. And he took the man to a house where he could rest and get well."

Who was the neighbor to the hurt man? (The person who helped him.) Jesus tells us that we can be a neighbor to anyone who needs our help. 

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