Saturday, February 14, 2015

February 15: Jesus Heals Ten Lepers (Luke 17:11-19)

February 15: Jesus Heals Ten Lepers (Luke 17:11-19)

1 sheet of paper for each child
Colored chalk to share

Activity Before Story:
            Hand out a sheet of paper. Tell students to draw a big circle or oval on their paper. Then slowly give them this list, giving them time to finish drawing each item before continuing on: 1. Two eyes far apart from each other, with very small pupils. 2. One enormous-sized nose. 3. A set of lips that look they came from a monkey. 4. Two ears that would flap in the wind. While telling the story, allow students to draw other “unattractive” features on their faces, such as a rash or bruise, or stitches and scars. Allow them to color with colored chalk for effect.

Story (From The Beginner's Bible):
            Ten men were very sad. They were sad, because they were sick. They were so sick they had to live away from their families. They had to live away from their friends.
            One day the ten men found out that Jesus was coming their way. They decided to go meet him. When they saw him, they called, “Jesus, Jesus!” Jesus looked. And He said, “Go to the priest. Let him take a look at you.”
            Now the priest was the one who could tell them if they were well. He could tell them if they could live with their families again. So they started on their way to see the priest.
            While the men were walking, they began to notice something. They were feeling better. They were looking better. In fact, they were all well! They were so excited. They hurried on to see the priest. All but one. One man remembered something. He remembered to go back to Jesus and say thank you.

Summary & Questions:
            If you have good manners, then you say “thank you” when someone does something nice for you. Jesus did something very nice for these men. How many men were sick? They were so sick they were not allowed to be near their families, because then their families would get sick! How do you feel when someone tells you “thank you” for doing something nice? How do you think Jesus feels when we tell him “thank you”? What are some things we should be thankful for? When we pray, we can thank Jesus for everything He does for us.

Activity After Story:

            Ask kids if they would like to have faces that looked like the ones in their pictures. Tell students that Jesus loves us no matter what we look like. Just as He healed the ten lepers who had sores all over their bodies, Jesus wants to help you with the sins and problems in your life. When Jesus helps you, do you tell Him thank-you? We should be very thankful to Jesus for taking care of us.

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