Our theme for January is "Who is Jesus and Why Does it Matter?"
Week 1- Jesus as a Kid (Luke 2:41-52)
Week 2- John the Baptist: Who is He and Why Did He Baptize Jesus? (Luke 3:1-20, Mark 1:9-11)
Week 3- Jesus Faced Temptation, Just Like Us (Matt. 4:1-11)
Week 4- Jesus' First Disciples: Why We Are Called (Luke 5:1-11, 9:1-9)
Now my room might sound fancy as I mention hanging things and having tables, but it's really just the fellowship hall in the downstairs part of my church. I keep the tables arranged the same each week so kids will know what to expect, and tape things onto the walls using painter's tape as necessary. I don't keep anything there from week to week, except with special permission! No matter what size your space is, you can make it work. If you have technology, or even a whiteboard, then I'm jealous!
I usually have between 25-35 kids each week, ranging in ages from 2-12. I let the middle-schoolers take turns fixing snack, but age 13 is the cutoff when students are expected to begin staying upstairs with their parents for the sermon.
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