Sunday, June 8, 2014

Week 23: June 8

Our theme for June is "Jesus Heals" 

Week 23- Jesus Heals a Paralytic (Mark 2:1-12) 

This week we read about how Jesus healed a man who was paralyzed. We first talked about what it means to be paralyzed, and how sad it was that He couldn't visit Jesus.

When Jesus came to Capernaum, everyone wanted to see Him. People filled the house- every room- to the point where nobody could even get through the door. In fact, people stood outside of the doorway waiting to hear Jesus speak.

There was one man, though, that could not go visit Jesus. He was paralyzed, which means he was not able to move his body. He couldn't walk to Jesus. He couldn't push through the crowds. He knew that Jesus could heal him, but how? He wasn't able to get there on his own.

The man's friends had a great idea. They put the paralyzed man onto a special mat. They climbed onto the roof of the house that Jesus was standing in. They lowered the man through the roof into the room Jesus was in. Jesus looked at the ceiling, and saw the men slowly lowering down the paralyzed man. He was happy that they trusted Him. He knew they believed. And He healed the man. He said, "Pick up your mat and walk. You are healed!" And the man was able to walk! Jesus also forgave the man of his sins. Jesus can heal us from our sins, too. 

We then went into a discussion about what it means to be forgiven by Jesus and how come it's important to ask Him to forgive us of our sins. 

We then water-colored our own card stock "mats" to remind us that Jesus can heal our bodies, but can also heal our souls. 

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