Saturday, April 11, 2015

April 12: The Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31)

April 12: The Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31)

Activity Before Story:
            Hand out two sheets of paper to each child. Have them right their name on the back of both sheets. Tell them to draw a picture with crayons about what they think Heaven will be like. Then draw a picture with crayons about what Hell might be like.

            Jesus told this story. “There was a rich man who dressed nice and lived in a big house. At his gate, a man named Lazarus was very poor. He did not have anything to eat and was very sick. He begged for food but the rich man ignored him. The time came when the beggar died and went to heaven. He stayed beside Abraham. The rich man died and was buried. He did not go to heaven. He looked up from Hell and saw Lazarus. He asked Abraham to have a drink of water. But Abraham told him, “Remember that in your life on earth you received good things, and Lazarus received bad things. Now he is comforted in Heaven and you are not.
            The rich man said, “The please, send Lazarus to my father’s house. Let him tell my five brothers to not be like me. Tell them to do the right thing on earth.”
            Abraham replied, “They have others on earth to listen to.” The man knew that his brothers would not listen to people on earth telling them to be generous and kind. He knew that if they would not listen to the people on earth telling them to be nice, they would not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead to tell them.”

Summary & Questions:
            Who was telling this lesson? What was Lazarus’ life on earth like? How did the rich man feel when he died? How did Lazarus feel? Have we been warned about what will happen to us when we die? What should we do to prepare? What hadn’t the rich man done on earth? If we act like the rich man, will we get another chance?

Activity After Story:
            After students have depicted their ideas of what they think heaven and hell may be like, paint over the crayons with watercolors. Ask students how they would feel in heaven. Ask students how they would feel in hell. Ask kids how to get to heaven. Ask kids how to get to hell. Did the rich man go to heaven?

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