Saturday, February 22, 2014

30 Hour Famine 2014

Our youth group will be participating in the 30-hour famine on April 25-26, 2014. This year's theme is RELEASE THE FEAST! Here is a brief snippet from the leader's manual that puts into words why we do this each year better than I ever could:

Did you know hunger is also a justice issue? That's because kingdom justice involves the whole person and their relationship to God, other people, and their own body- and going hungry when there's enough food in the world falls into the "that's just not right" category. 

Visit for more information! And here are a few pictures of the last couple of years.

Our Break-the-Fast 2013. We raised $1,100, which is enough to feed a child living in poverty for more than 2 years. Our goal this year is $1,300.

Our First Fast in 2012. We had 14 students and 3 adults participate.

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