Our theme for February is "Jesus Shows Us How to Love"
Week 5- Jesus Heals the Sick: What You Can Do (Matt. 4:23-25, Mark 1:29-39, Luke 4:31-44)
I plan to begin this lesson by students brainstorming anyone they know who is sick. It could be an older relative in a nursing home, a friend with a broken arm, or even a mom with the sniffles. Each person can write down someone's name on a piece of poster board. A volunteer will pray that God will be with everyone who is on the paper.
Then I'll start asking questions:
1. What types of sicknesses are there?
2. What makes people sick?
3. Think about the last time you were sick- how did you feel?
4. What can you do for someone when they're sick?
*Just a note, because demon-possession can be EXTREMELY scary to a small child, and in my case I can't sit around to answer everyone's questions and quell everyone's fears, I leave that specific part out and just go with "sick people." If you're in a small group (or with your own child) and you feel like you can talk to your kids about it without creating the fear inside of them that the devil could crawl inside of them (trust me... this is where you even mentioning it will lead their little brains, no matter what else you say while talking), then you might wish to add that part.*
Over the last few weeks we've explored how amazing our God is. We learned how when Jesus was a kid he learned all He could at the temple... He was proud to be a follower of God. We talked about how Jesus showed us how to be baptized so that we can show others we are proud to be followers of God, also. Last week we were reminded that Jesus wants us to go share the Good News with others. We can share the Good News of Christ Jesus with others, even if they're under the weather. Our sharing is nothing like Jesus', though. Listen to what He did!
(paraphrase) I'm going to read you guys a few verses from the book of Matthew. Chapter 4, verses 23-25: "Jesus traveled and taught all around Galilee. He healed every kind of disease and illness. People heard about this and began bringing everyone they knew that were sick. Jesus healed all of them!"
That's pretty amazing, isn't it? Jesus was able to actually heal- or fix- everyone that came to Him. In the book of Mark it says that Jesus healed Simon's mother-in-law. Do you remember Simon from last week? He left his fishing boat to follow Jesus. His wife's mom was sick with a terrible fever and Jesus healed her! Anyway, after He healed people in one area, He would go somewhere else to preach and heal people. In the book of Luke, chapter 4 it even says that Jesus told everyone, "I must preach the Good News of the Kingdom of God in other towns, too, because that is why I was sent."
I'm going to give each of you a small bag and some stickers. Before you start to decorate your bag with stickers, I want you to write a message to someone that is sick. It can be simple on one side, like "Get Well Soon."
-What would be something good to say on the other side?
-Jesus said "I must preach the Good News of the Kingdom of God." Even though we can't heal the sick people we know, what good news can we give them?
-Why do you think Jesus healed people?
-God wants us to pray for people who are sick. How come?
-What do you think is more important, healing someone's body when they are sick, or sharing the Good News of Jesus with them? Why is the Good News so important?
While the kids are decorating their bags with stickers and messages of God's love, I'm going to set up stations. Each station will have something that students can add to their Get Well Bags. I'll introduce everyone to each station and tell them what to do, and we'll rotate in small groups so that everyone will reach each station in an organized manner.
My stations:
1. Band-aids- Put 2 bandaids in your Get Well bag.
2. Tissues- Put 1 small pack of tissues in your bag.
3. Gum- Put 1 pack of gum in the bag. You choose the flavor.
4. Hand Sanitizer- Put a small bottle in your bag.
5. Candy- Choose 3 pieces of candy to put in the bag. You choose the flavor.
6. Chapstick- Put 1 tube of chapstick in the bag. You choose the flavor.
7. Card- Write your name on the card and put in the bag.
Once the bags are finished, we will fold the tops over and hole punch a spot to tie a ribbon. Staples would work fine, too.
Now the most important instructions- Find someone who is sick to give your Get Well Bag to! Maybe you can ask a parent to take you to a nursing home. Perhaps your grandmother has been feeling under the weather. The main thing is that we're being disciples by sharing the Good News of Jesus with others, while also providing them small comforts. Be sure to tell them that no matter what, the bag is only to be opened by someone who is TRULY sick... not just them trading with a friend ;-).
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